Lose Weight With Laura: Tying it all together with BigTent

Get ready to get inspired by Laura Allen and her support group, Lose Weight With Laura! An avid writer,  Laura started her group to share her experiences of escaping obesity, and she encourages her readers to do the same.

“People write in their own stories and we hold one another accountable,” says Laura.

Laura reaches over 3,000 fans through multiple channels, including her popular show on BlogTalkRadio. Having just launched on BigTent, our team thought it would be great to connect with Laura and learn more about her and her weight loss journey:

Q: How did your group get started?

A: I’ve lost 73 pounds since 2002, and I started blogging about my triumphs and challenges along the way. I kept getting several personal emails after each of my writings, and I realized that I needed a place for people to connect and share their discoveries on a more collective basis.

Q: Why did you choose BigTent?

A: One night, I was very tired and wrote up an email about my dream virtual support group. It was rather extensive. Someone wrote me back — I think it was Jaine — and said “We can do that.”

I love that you guys return calls. You send follow up emails. You’re like this huge machine that gets behind a dreamer and brings her vision into reality.

With the tools that BigTent offers, I know I can keep growing my group in a sustainable way. I can plan messages to go out in the future, and your system will mail them out for me on time. It means I can get sick, life can happen, but my group will keep going in a comfortable rhythm.

Q: What’s next for your group?

A: I’ve planted the seed of community with BigTent, and I hope we all continue to lose weight and grow together as a lifelong community. I just do not think you can face a giant like this on your own.

I’m also working on a book to compile all the lessons I’ve learned over the years.

Q: When you’re not focused on your support group, what else are you up to?

A: I love domestic life! I graduated from University of Virginia in 2006 and I married my college sweetheart, Anwar. We live in Charlottesville, VA, and have a two-year-old baby girl.

You can read more about Laura’s experiences as an equestrian-turned-weight-loss-blogger in a DailyProgress.com article published earlier this year.

Follow Laura on Twitter: http://twitter.com/LoseWeightLaura

Follow BigTent on Twitter: http://twitter.com/BigTentGroups

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