BigTent Group of the Week: Momologie

Momologie is “where family life blooms.” Founded by Michele and Gia, personal style experts who first teamed up at Martha Stewart Living, Momologie has launched a BigTent group to help strengthen the community of moms who receive the daily Momologie newsletter.

We got an opportunity to meet with Michele and Gia and find out more about their Momologie adventure:

Q. Tell us about a day in the life of your group. What’s the focus of the Momologie community?

A. The Momologie community on BigTent allows you to connect with other like-minded moms to discuss the latest in style, food, home, beauty, organizing, outdoor living, holidays, parties, travel, family and kids. By joining you are able to post messages, ask questions, find out what other moms think about a particular topic, share photos, write reviews and more.

Q. Why did you switch to BigTent?

A. BigTent’s community platform exists in addition to the editorials in our daily newsletter. We wanted to build a community where we can connect and communicate directly with our readers.

Q. What are your future goals for the group?

A. Our main goal is to grow the group with women who enjoy getting the most out of their family life. We want to share our expertise and hear about what matters to our community, so we can bring the most relevant topics and ideas to life.

Q. You’re two busy, entrepreneurial moms. What are you up to outside of Momologie?

A. Michele and I are busy juggling our daily lives. We are both proud moms of 4-year-old boys. In addition to maintaining the Momologie website and creating all of its content, we oversee our MiGi, a consumer product brand for baby and kids.

We’re used to a hectic schedule, but are always learning new ways to use our time well. It definitely helps that we’ve been business partners for 11 years.

Michelle adds: My husband and I just finished a gut renovation on a house we bought last year. No project ever turns out exactly as planned, but you gain insight from your successes and mistakes along the way.

My son is in preschool and has several activities that he’s involved in — swimming, gymnastics and art. Things are the home front are always changing.

I also started working out again. I don’t really enjoy the process of working out, but I like how I feel afterward and have seen a big improvement in my energy level — a big motivator to keep going!


We at BigTent wish Momologie best of luck as they add a new community dimension to their Momologie following! Stay up to date with Gia, Michele, and other Momologie moms for free on BigTent:

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